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Saturday, December 29

Unexplained Complexity

The Unexplained Intellect: Complexity, Time, and the Metaphysics of Embodied Thought

The Unexplained Intellect: Complexity, Time, and the Metaphysics of Embodied Thought argues that the most basic facts about a mind cannot just be facts about mental states, but must include facts about the dynamic, interactive mental occurrences that take place when a creature encounters its environment. 

The discussion begins by examining the mathematics of computational complexity, arguing that the results from complexity theory create a puzzle about how human intelligence could possibly be explained. 

It then uses the tools of analytic metaphysics to draw a distinction between mental states and dynamic mental entities, and shows that, in order to answer the complexity-theoretic puzzle about intelligence, dynamic entities must be understood to be among the most basic of mental phenomena. The picture of the mind that emerges has important implications for our understanding of intelligence, of action, and of the mind’s relationship to the passage of time.

Chapter 1 - Elements of mind

The philosophy of mind is very often concerned with the explanation of facts that are obvious. One of these is the fact that mental states have content. The belief that Vancouver is north of Seattle has, as its content, the proposition that Vancouver is north of Seattle. If it had had a different content, it would have been a different belief. The having of that content is therefore essential to its being the particular belief that it is. Other mental states are related with equal intimacy to the propositional contents that they carry.
Despite this essential role for content, in giving mental states their identities, it may not be the case that every mental state has a content, whether propositional or otherwise. Perhaps there are certain pure sensations – such as tickles or twinges – that do not carry content by themselves (Block 1995). Perhaps there are certain states in which, as in ‘East Coker’, one is ‘conscious, but conscious of nothing’ (Eliot 1944, see also Thompson 2015). Even among belief-like states, the having of content may not be absolutely necessary: illusions might occasion mental states that are contentless (Evans 1982, p. 173), but those states are nonetheless mental, and they are sufficiently belief-like to be the causes of sincere speech.
... cont.

Are You Curious Yet?

Attention is Cognitive Unison
Some psychological phenomena can be explained by identifying and describing the processes that constitute them. Others cannot be explained in that way. In Attention is Cognitive Unison Christopher Mole gives a precise account of the metaphysical difference that divides these two categories and shows that, when current psychologists attempt to explain attention, they assign it to the wrong one. Having rejected the metaphysical approach taken by our existing theories of attention Mole then develops a new theory. According to this theory the question of whether someone is paying attention is not settled by the facts about which processes are taking place. It is settled by the facts about whether the processes that serve that person's task-- whichever processes those happen to be--are processes that operate in unison. This theory gives us a new account of the problems that have dogged debates about the psychology of attention since the middle of the twentieth century. It also gives us a new way to understand the explanatory importance of cognitive psychology's empirical findings. The book as a whole shows that metaphysical questions have a foundational role to play in the explanatory project of cognitive psychology. This volume is of interest to anyone engaged in current debates in the philosophy of mind and perception, and in cognitive science generally.

- The Unexplained Intellect -

Subtitle:Complexity, Time, and the Metaphysics of Embodied Thought

ISBN:ebook/epub 9781317294665 PDF 9781317294672

Author:Christopher Mole

Publisher:Taylor and Francis

Publish Date: 22/02/2016

The relationship between intelligent systems and their environment is at the forefront of research in cognitive science. The Unexplained Intellect: Complexity, Time, and the Metaphysics of Embodied Thought shows how computational complexity theory and analytic metaphysics can together illuminate long-standing questions about the importance of that relationship. It argues that the most basic facts about a mind cannot just be facts about mental states, but must include facts about the dynamic, interactive mental occurrences that take place when a creature encounters its environment.

In a discussion that is organized into four clear parts, Christopher Mole begins by examining the mathematics of computational complexity, arguing that the results from complexity theory create a puzzle about how human intelligence could possibly be explained. Mole then uses the tools of analytic metaphysics to draw a distinction between mental states and dynamic mental entities, and shows that, in order to answer the complexity-theoretic puzzle, dynamic entities must be understood to be among the most basic of mental phenomena. The picture of the mind that emerges has important implications for our understanding of intelligence, of action, and of the mind’s relationship to the passage of time.

The Unexplained Intellect is the first book to bring insights from the mathematics of computational complexity to bear in an enquiry into the metaphysics of the mind. It will be essential reading for scholars and researchers in the philosophy of mind and psychology, for cognitive scientists, and for those interested in the philosophical importance of complexity.

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Ronald Reagan

Are we Crazy? or Politically Correct? or both?

Congress is set to give legally protected status to 30 sexual orientations, including incest. Because of pressure from homosexual groups, Congress has refused to define what is meant by sexual orientation in H.R. 1913, the "Hate Crimes" bill. This means that the 30 different sexual orientations will be federally protected classes.
To see the orientations that will be protected by the Hate Crimes bill (H.R. 1913), click here.
You may be told this information is incorrect. If so, ask why then did the House Judiciary Committee refuse to define "sexual orientation?"

One Bad Man! - Must Be Thrown Out!

Governor Spencer of Greensboro NC. is a bad man and needs to step down or be thrown out of office. I never said he was a black man, I said he was a bad man. There is a difference and a thinking person can tell the difference. I bet that this Governor Spencer might not have a clue.
Click Here:

* VIDEO: Why is Govenor Spencer of Greensboro, NC walking around free today? Unable to control himself when he crashed a peaceful, Tea Party Protest, he pushes a woman and then punches her husband, Nathan Tabor, in the face – all caught on video

Why does your Government keep getting it wrong?

Why does your Government keep getting it wrong?
Don't Tax Me BRO!

In 2004 Video Unearthed Democrats in their own words Covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Scam

You must let the Government plunder your goods!

The silent majority

Our own freedom and the American dream.
Our own freedom and growth have never been the final goal
of the American dream. We were never meant to be an oasis of
liberty and abundance in a worldwide desert of disappointed dreams.
Our Nation was created to help strike away the chains of ignorance and
misery and tyranny wherever they keep man less than God wants him to be.
Lyndon B. Johnson

Climategate - To be Gored...

Israeli scientist denies global warming
Written by Robyn Rosen, Jewish Chronicle
Thursday, December 03 2009 13:12

Professor Giora Shaviv

A leading Israeli scientist has renounced the concept of man-made global warming at a lecture given to the British Technion Society, just days before world leaders meet to discuss ways to halt it.
Professor Giora Shaviv, professor of physics at the Technion, claimed that the accepted level of carbon dioxide in the air is wildly exaggerated.
Prof Shaviv said that though for years the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has claimed that an increase in carbon dioxide has led to an increase in temperature, in fact, the reverse is correct.
He argued that the movement of the sun affects temperature, which influences the levels of carbon dioxide, and that these levels have risen and fallen for centuries, even before mankind.
He said: “CO2 is not responsible for heating the earth, the cause is the activity of the sun which we cannot control.
“However we are responsible for our environment on earth, for the future of our grandchildren, and therefore, we should all still act responsibly.”
The lecture was attended by Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, which was set up by former Chancellor of the Exchequer Lord Lawson to analyse global warming policies and its economic implications.
Dr Peiser, who was born in Haifa, said that too much money was being ploughed into climate change research and that politicians were stifling contentious research that opposed the commonly accepted views.
He said: “People talk about saving the world but no one crunches the figures. It has become an obsession and economic burden for many countries.
“There is a hysteria and exaggeration of the issue with people worrying that the end is nigh. People need to calm down. The reality is we haven’t got a clear idea what the climate is doing.
“Part of our agenda is that scientists like Professor Shaviv have to be allowed to research freely and without political pressure.”

Climategate: This time Al Gore lied - Think Mental Illness

Lier Lier, Pants on fire

Don't be dumb... All scientists know Climate change is caused by WATER VAPOR

Obama is the grand leader of the whole world

Record Lies in Record Time - 7 lies in under 2 minutes.

I think this is a new world's record for a dirty, lying politician. Wow. Not one element of truth in there. Not one. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

Do any Americans even care?

Obama Obama

And He is now our President... Some facts are blury but acurate

I bet he will not eat them - green eggs and ham.

You know the President is telling a lie when he says something like this. "I hope we can build on the progress we made at last year's G20 summits by coordinating our global financial reform efforts to make sure a crisis like the one from which we are still recovering never happens again," he said on June 25th 2010. U.S. President Barack Obama gestures prior to a 2010 G8 Summit photo with the ''My Summit 2010 Youth'' at the Deerhurst Resort at Muskoka in Huntsville, Canada, June 25, 2010. REUTERS/Saul Loeb/Pool

O'Reilly Blasts Barney Frank On Fannie Mae Mess!... Dumb Ass

Barnie Barnie Barnie

Karl Rove - "Chris Dodd & Barney Frank Prevented Mortgage Reform"

The UN sucks your money up, up and away. $5,000,000,000 Yes That's "Billion" just last year.

Smack it to me